TRENT: a traffic-responsive control method for small networks.

Wilson, A.

At the Department of Traffic Studies at the NHTV, a traffic-responsive control for small networks was developed. The method is based on the real-time use of TRANSYT, in combination with vehicle-actuated modification of the fixed-time control. The method is referred to as TRENT (Transyt REal-time Network Timings). A simulation-study showed that for a small research network the average delay - calculated over the total amount of traffic in the network - was more than 15% shorter than by application of a fixed-time or vehicle-actuated control. For the covering abstract see IRRD E102946.

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C 26495 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD E103411

In: Towards the new horizon together : proceedings of the 5th world congress on intelligent transport systems, held 12-16 October 1998, Seoul, Korea, Paper No. 2020, 6 p., 7 ref.

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