Tried-and-true infrastructure in Canada: guide assembles best practices for municipalities.

Levac, N. Hajek, J. & Hein, D.

The "National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure: Innovation and Best Practices" aims to assist Canadian municipalities and other infrastructure owners with a decision-making and investment-planning tool, as well as a compendium of technical best practices. The guide deals with planning, management, and construction issues for all major components of municipal infrastructure, including roads, potable water distribution systems, sewers, and transit systems. The first version of the guide comprises more than 40 best practices and should be available in 2005. Draft best practices are posted on a website ( to solicit public and peer review comments before final publication.

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I E828213 /60 / ITRD E828213

TR News. 2003 /09. (228) pp31-34 (3 Phot., 3 Fig.)

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