Turning-off accidents between motor vehicles and cyclists.

Schreiber, M. Ortlepp, J. & Butterwegge, P. (Eds.)

One in four people killed on the roads in built-up areas is a cyclist. Turning-off accidents are the most common type of accident after turning-into/crossing accidents. The UDV (German Insurers Accident Research) carried out a project to investigate turning-off accidents between cyclists cycling straight ahead and motor vehicles turning right or left. Both the road infrastructure and the behaviour of road users in turning-off situations were examined with regard to their effect on accidents and road safety. The studies conducted in the cities of Münster, Magdeburg, Darmstadt and Erfurt revealed that around 80 % of accidents of this type result in injuries. Injuries are six times more common in this accident type than in accidents as a whole. The study shows that there is a need for action with regard to the design and layout of the infrastructure, encouraging road users to behave safely on the roads and improving their knowledge of the rules of the road. Based on the project‘s findings, recommendations are made for a safe road infrastructure and cycling facilities at intersections in built-up areas as well as on how to instruct and educate drivers and cyclists. In addition, recommendations are also made as to how driver assistance systems might be (further) developed. (Author/publisher)

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20170484 ST [electronic version only]

Berlin, German Insurance Association (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft GDV), 2013, 20 p., 6 ref.; Compact accident research ; No. 37

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