Two important trends in motorcycle safety regulations: Rider education and conspicuity improvement.

Winn, G.L.

Scientific inquiry into the causes of motorcycle accidents points to two significant features, namely inexperience by the motorcycle operator and the difficulty of detecting motorcycles and their speed in oncoming traffic.Two recent trends in motorcycle safety have evolved in the past decade which promise to ease the rising fatality and accident rates. This paper tracks the history, development, and scientific support for motorcycle education legislation and improved in- traffic conspicuity.

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B 26944 (In: B 26928) /83 /91 / IRRD 812490

In:Accident Reconstruction:Automobiles, tractor, semi- trailers, motorcycles and pedestrians.SAE Publication No.P- 193.Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23- 27, 1987, p.147- 152, 7 ref. SAE paper No. 870604.

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