Tyre to wet road friction at high speeds. Paper intended to be presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Automobile Division, in London, on Tuesday, 14th December 1965.

Allbert, B.J. & Walker, J.C.

The level of friction between a tyre and wet road is primarily related to the ability to remove a water film from the ground contact area. The contact area is considered to be separated into three effective zones. Initially the 'bulk' of the film is displaced leaving a thin residual film to be penetrated at, or absorbed from, the interface before substantially dry contact can be established. The size of this dry area, at the rear of the contact zone, has an overriding control on the level of available friction and is dependent upon the time occupied in displacing the water film tin the frontal zones.

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The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1965, 20 p.; AD P4(A)/66 / Paper and discussion will be published in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1965-1966, Volume 180, Part 2A

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