Über die Anwendung von linear polarisiertem Licht in der Kraftfahrzeugbeleuchtung. Teil I, II, III.

Schmidt-Clausen, H.J. & W.J.M. van Bommel.

The selection of polarization material is discussed and the modification of the reflection properties of the objects on account of the polarization is described. On this basis visibility distances can be calculated, which are confirmed in practical tests. This led to the establishment of a suitable polarization system for motorcar illumination.

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Lichttechnik, Vol. 24, (1972), No. 1 (Januar), p. 19-26, ref.; Lichttechnik. Vol. 24 (1972), No. 2 (Februar), p. 62-66; Lichttechnik, Vol. 24 (1972), No. 3 (März), p. 98-101, ref.

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