Uber die Kohlenmonoxid-Emission von Kraftfahrzeugen. Stand und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

Lohner, K.

The formation of CO emissions in Otto engines, Diesel engines, Stirling engines, Wankel engines, steam engines and gas turbines is described under various operating conditions, after which the occurrence of other noxious gases, such as NOx, CH and NH3 is also discussed. The paper is concluded with a survey of automotive power sources with direct energy conversion or with energy accumulators. Subsequently, a combination of these drives is also considered.

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B 567 fo /93

Kohlenmonoxid- Entstehung, Messung und Wirkungskriterien- Kolloquium der VDI-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft, 28 und 29 October 1971, Dusseldorf. Uit: VDI-Berichte nr. 180, 1972, 30 cm., p. 20-25, 16 fig.

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