The UK experience with traffic calming.

Mackie, A.

This paper describes the use of urban safety management and traffic calming measures in the UK with reference to vulnerable road users. Safety engineering involves installing pedestrian crossings or refuges, lighting and road marking schemes, and use of speed limits. Design of roads in new urban areas can take account of safety. The Urban Safety Project carried out in the 1980s tested a new approach to accident reduction by imposing a safer traffic system throughout a road network. Traffic calming measures include 20 mph (30 kph) zones, road humps and rumble areas. Speed control measures which allow easier passage for buses and emergency vehicles include speed cushions and lower height humps. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118896.

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C 26774 (In: C 26763) /21 /73 /82 /85 / ITRD E118907

In: COST Action C6 - A city for pedestrians : policy-making and implementation - final report, 2003, p. 169-176, 18 ref.

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