The UK National Cycle Network: an assessment of the benefits of a sustainable transport infrastructure.

Cope, A. Cairns, S. Fox, K. Lawlor, D.A. Lockie, M. Lumsdon, L. Riddoch, C. & Rosen, P.

The UK National Cycle Network has increased opportunities for people to make trips by bicycle and on foot. In this paper, data from the NCN route usage monitoring project is analysed to examine the implications of the NCN for health, social inclusion, economic opportunities through tourism and recreation, and the nature of cyclists and cycling. Analysis of the survey data suggests that various benefits are being realised. The capacity of the NCN to further impact in these and other areas is discussed. (A)

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I E125669 /72 / ITRD E125669

World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol. 9 (2003), No. 1, p. 6-17

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