UM strives to make its vehicles more energy efficient.


This article describes the alternative vehicle fleet at the University of Michigan, along with fuel and resource conservation programs such as reuse and recycling of coolants, engine oils, solvents, oil filters, and tires. All diesel-powered vehicles run on biodiesel B20, a 20% diesel mixture. The Parking and Transportation Department operates more than 300 vehicles powered by ethanol E-85, a blend of 85% ethanol and unleaded gasoline. Several all-electric Ford Rangers are used to carry out grounds-keeping functions on campus, with a 50- mile range and a six-hour overnight recharging time. In addition the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)'s Office for the Study of Automotive Transportation is analyzing consumer acceptance of new transportation initiatives, including emerging fuel cell technologies. Free buses carry more than 4.3 million passengers a year, eliminating single-passenger vehicle trips, and more than 2,000 faculty and staff use a free bus pass. Sixteen vanpools serve communities within 75 miles of the campus, and bicycle use is encouraged through bike racks for 5,700 bikes.

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I E830907 /15 / ITRD E830907

UMTRI Research Review. 2003 /04. 34(2-3) pp10-11 (2 Phot.)

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