Un block automatique de type nouveau fait du pré-métro une solution moderne au problème des transports en commun dans les villes de moyenne importance.

Brichaux, M.

Transit must fulfill a certain number of conditions of which the main are: comfort, speed, and frequency. It is described how to optimize the commercial speed and how to obtain, by a rational block system, a short vehicle headway, at the same time ensuring full circulation safety. Notions of mobile block, fixed block and buffer block are dealt with. A detailed description is given of the solution chosen for the Brussels pre-metro.

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8 + 12 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 7630 (In: B 5309) /72.6/

In: Proceedings of the Second IFAC/-IFIP/IFORS Symposium on Traffic Control and Transportation Systems, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1974, p. 507-518, 8 fig., 3 graph.

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