Uncertainty, timekeeping, and simple reaction time.

Gottsdanker, R.

Implications of the hypothesis that effects on simple reaction time of event and time uncertainty are due to the individual's unwillingness to prepare for an unlikely event were tested. Two experiments were designed to find the consequences of removing inaccuracy in the reinstatement of fore periods as compared with the new transit. signal method. Consequences of inaccurate timekeeping and unwillingness were examined.

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2 + 2 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 1488 fo /83.2/

Journal of Motor Behavior, Vol. 2 (1970), No. 4, p. 245-260, 1 fig., 4 graph., 2 tab., 13 ref.

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