Unga bilförare

en undersökning av riskbedömning och uppfattning om den egna körförmågan bland en grupp unga bilförare = Young car drivers
Schelin, H.

This study investigates how a group of young drivers estimate their own risks in traffic and their driving ability. The purpose is to clarify how a group of young people assess themselves as drivers and the way in which they believe risk awareness training has influenced them. The study is based on interviews with 14 participants in a driving course at Ytongbanan (a driving practice track in Kumla, Sweden). The aim of the course was to make the participants more aware of the fact that their own skills in braking and collision avoidance in critical situations are limited and unpredictable. The study has been carried out with qualitative methods. The results show that the participants appreciated the course very highly. It was also found that the participants had very good knowledge of their risks in trafffic. At the same time, the study shows that such knowledge did not prevent dangerous and incautious driving behaviour. The report concludes with four hypotheses formulated on the basis of the results. (Author/publisher).

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C 20015 S /83 / ITRD E202850

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1999, 34 p. + app., 25 ref.; VTI Rapport 434 - ISSN 0347-6030

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