Unified Resistance Equations for Design of Curved and Tangent Steel Bridge I-Girders.

White, D.W. & Grubb, M.A.

The provisions of the 2004 AASHTO load and resistance factor design specifications for steel I- and box-girder bridge design have been updated relative to previous specifications to simplify their logic, organization, and application and to improve their accuracy and generality. These provisions provide a unified approach for the flexural design of both tangent and curved I- and box-girder bridges. Updated resistance equations are a key component of this unified approach. An overview is provided of the updated resistance equations for I-section members. The primary focus is on handling coupled major axis bending, minor-axis bending, and torsion from any source in both straight and horizontally curved I-section members.

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C 41899 (In: C 40278 S CD-ROM) /24 / ITRD E838644

In: Reliability, security and sustainability in bridge engineering : papers presented at the Sixth International Bridge Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, July 17-20, 2005, Transportation Research Record TRR CD-11-S, p. 121-128

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