Universal Traffic Management System UTMS in Japan.

Aoyama, K.

This paper discusses the Universal Traffic Management System (UTMS) in Japan, from the viewpoint of traffic control using an automatic control system. It considers: (1) the optimal control of the traffic signal control system; (2) the supply of traffic information by means of low-cost message signs and information supply equipment in vehicles; (3) the development of a more cost-effective traffic data acquisition system, using low-cost vehicle detectors and optical vehicle detectors; and (4) the main part of the system, the Integrated Traffic Control System (ITCS). The functions of the ITCS are: (1) advanced mobile information system; (2) public transport priority system; (3) mobile operation control system; (3) mobile operation control system; (4) environment protection management system; and (5) dynamic route guidance system. UTMS aims at upgraded traffic management, including: (1) maintaining priority for urgent vehicles; (2) ensuring the punctuality of public road transport; and (3) protecting the environment. UTMS will be formed by developing further a huge infrastructure, which the National Police Agency (NPA) has been constructing for some years.

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C 5325 (In: C 5303) /73 / IRRD 870097

In: Proceedings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Seminar on Advanced Road Transport Technologies TT3, Omiya, Japan, June 6 - June 9, 1994, p. 283-287

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