Unrestrained, front seat, child surrogate trajectories produced by hard braking.

Stalnaker, R.L. Klusmeyer, L.F. Peel, H.H. White, C.D. Smith, G.R. & Mertz, H.J.

This paper describes a study to determine the influence of preimpact vehicle braking on the positions and postures of unrestrained, children in the front seat at the time of collision. Anesthetized baboons were used as child surrogates. The unrestrained animals were placed in various initial sitting, kneeling, and standing positions typically assumed by children while traveling in automobiles. Tests were conducted with various front seat positions and seat covering materials. Measurements were made of pertinent vehicle dynamics and surrogate kinematics during the hard braking event. For each initial condition evaluated, a photosequence is given showing typical positions and postures of the surrogate during the braking event. The principal conclusion of the study is that the kinematic response of a child will be somewhere between that of a child dummy (probably more representative of a "braced" child) and that of an anesthetized baboon (probably more representative of a sleeping or relaxed child). The anesthetized animal pivoted about his hips and tumbled forward in response to the braking, whereas the child dummy maintained his seat position while sliding forward. (A)

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C 4945 (In: C 4924 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 810947

In: Passenger car inflatable restraint systems : a compendium of published safety research, 1987, SAE Technical Paper 821165, p. 239-255, 8 ref.

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