Untersuchung und Prüfung des Autosicherheitsgurtes bei unfallmassiger Beanspruchung mit Hilfe des Fallmaschinenversuchs.

Schlattenschek, A. Tauffkirchen, W. & Türk, H.

A method is described which in suitable connection of calculation and experiment permits a drop-weight test of automotive safety belts under conditions of accidents. Because the drop weight test in simple to carry out and may be reproduced well the method might be suited especially for a standardized dynamic belt test. Hints for establishing a standard are given.

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12 + 1 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 512 fo

Uit: Materialpruf, 1966, No. 1, p. 19-30.

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