Untersuchungen zur Verhinderung von Falschfahrten auf Autobahnen. 3. Zwischenbericht : Falschfahrunfälle auf Autobahnen.

Brühning, E. Hippchen, L. & Schmid, L.

The German Institute for Road Safety Research BAST has studied 110 wrong way driving cases on motorways in which an accident has occurred and which were reported by a new message method. Wrong-way driving accidents have a greater severity than other accidents. Wrong driving starts mostly by taking the wrong entrance. The accidents were divided by different type of accidents. About one third of these accidents were a frontal impact between two vehicles.

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B 17704 /83/

Köln, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 1980, 35 p., fig., tab., ref.

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