An unusual case of driving under the influence of enflurane.

Musshoff, F. Junker, H. & Madea, B.

An unusual case of driving under the influence of the volatile anaesthetic enflurane is reported. A markedly affected anaesthetist was sniffing at an enflurane-moistened handkerchief before he crashed into a lorry at a red traffic light. In the blood sample enflurane (2.92 mg/l) as well as diclofenac (0.28 mg/l) and 4-aminophenazone (24.4 mg/l) were found. The way of driving and the accident and the deficiency symptoms could be explained by the central suppressing effects of enflurane. The physician was considered as impaired and not suitable to drive at the time of the incidence. (Author/publisher) See also C 20602 (ITRD D347843).

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C 25242 [electronic version only]

Forensic Science International, Vol. 128 (2002), No. 3 (August 28), p. 187-189, 23 ref.

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