Update and overview of research on the effectiveness of the Victorian Transport Accident Commission's road safety television advertising campaigns.

White, M. & Walker, J.

This overview report is largely based on the publication titled "Re-investigation of the effectiveness of the Victorian Transport Accident Commission's road safety campaigns" (See C 21410 (ITRD E204172)). It is argued in the current report that researchers from the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) have provided a largely incorrect explanation for the dramatic fall in the road toll in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In particular, it is argued that there was never any satisfactory evidence that high, sustained levels of dramatic road safety television advertising were effective. On the contrary, it is likely that many millions of dollars have been wasted each year on road safety advertising in Victoria since 1989.

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C 24140 [electronic version only]

Walkerville, SA, Safety Strategy Transport SA, 2002, 41 p., 37 ref.

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