An update on automotive electronic displays and information systems : international congress and exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 28 - March 4, 1983.

Lopez, L.A, Beyerlein, D.G. & Kincaid, P.L. (eds.)

In the area of driver information systems, the sessions on electronic displays continue to be among the most international in scope. The session continues to place increasing emphasis on Automotive Electronic Instrumentation and Information Systems. This effect is evident as new applications are presented to solve existing problems and create new usages in thedevelopment of new devices. The diversity of the technologies and their applications attest to the ingenuity of the automotive community. The contents of this publication, and reference material listed, should provide a sufficient background for those interested in further research in this field.

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Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1983, 276 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; SAE Publication P-123

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