Update of enforcement technology and speed measurement devices : final report.

Blackburn, R.R. Moran, R. & Glauz, W.D.

Information was collected and analysed on recent advances in speed enforcement technology and enforcement strategies employing these technologies. Both automated and manually operated equipment was reviewed, and both radar and nonradar technologies were included. Automated enforcement of red light violations was also examined. The new technologies are all foreign, and are being employed widely throughout the world. All of them have the capability of automatically photographing the vehicle that the equipment identifies as being in violation. Most of the systems use some sort of radar, either a narrow beam cross-the-road-technology or a short range, low power down-the-road technology. One new system incorporates digital signal processing, and can simultaneously track multiple vehicles in several lanes. All of the systems represent technical advances over the state of the art used in Europe and elsewhere 10 years ago. Recently, some of this equipment has been placed in use in a few communities in the United States. The most recent experiences have been well received by the public and the courts. In some cases new legislation has been passed dealing explicitly with this technology. It appears that the use of this type of equipment and the related enforcement strategies is a viable alternative to traffic law enforcement in the United States. The equipment described is not endorsed nor is any device recommended over another. (A)

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C 9467 /73 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1989, V + 94 p., 9 ref.; DOT HS 807 584

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