Urban mobility for all = La mobilité urbaine pour tous : proceedings of the 10th international CODATU conference, held in Lomé, Togo, 12-15 November 2002.

Godard, X. & Fatonzoun, I. (eds.)

This proceedings contains papers on the following subjects: urban travel mobility of social groups; transport, urbanism and accessibility; tools for mobility and accessibility information; non-motorised transport; small-size operators, role and organisation; public transport companies, the ways of improvement; mass transport investment; regulation, integration and financing public transport; environment; road safety; and strategic approach, institution and governance. For abstracts of the papers written in English see C 25668 - C 25726 (ITRD E116620 - E116678).

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C 25667 /10 /15 /72 /85 / ITRD E116619

Lisse, Balkema, 2002, XXI + 618 p., 801 ref. - ISBN 90-5809-399-9

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