Urban origin-destination surveys.


This document has been prepared to serve as a guide for collecting urban trip and household socioeconomic data; it will serve two general purposes. First, it will provide the management guidelines necessary to plan, implement, control and carry the data collection effort to a successful completion. Second, it will provide sample detailed instructions that may be used as the basis for developing specific guidelines for employees doing sample selection, interviewing, coding and data processing. These detailed sample instructions, together with sample interview and control forms, are contained in a number of exhibits located in the Appendix. These guidelines discuss the various alternative procedures that are available for sample selection, data collection and related data processing for a dwelling unit survey, a truck survey, a taxi survey and an external survey. The major focus is on the four basic origin-destination surveys. However, in many instances a standard dwelling unit survey does not provide adequate data for detailed analyses of travel by mass transit; travel to and from trip generators such as airports, shopping centres and the central business district; parking requirements; and other special problems. Therefore, a brief description of various special purpose studies is also included. Specific references are made to other more detailed documents for use in such surveys.

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B 19058 /72 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1975, 309 p., 88 ref.

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