Urban Passenger Transport in Madrid: Advances in Intermodality.

Mijangos, J.

The population in the Madrid metropolitan area has increased sharply in recent years. The land area developed for residential other purposes has also increased, as a result of which mobility problems have been greatly exacerbated. The competent authorities have implemented different measures topalliate these problems. The main interior ring road, the M-30, has undergone a radical transformation which has practically doubled its capacity. Parking in the entire area inside the M-30 is restricted for non-residents. The main roads leading to peripheral urban locations have been doubled with toll motorways. The successive ring roads - the M-40, M-45 and M-50 - are being completed to channel as much medium distance traffic as possible. Heavy emphasis has been placed on public transport. The underground network has grown by 33% in the last four years and the airport has practically doubled its capacity. Five large modal interchanges have been built to link the different modes of public transport. But all of the measures are insufficient and additional improvements are in the works. The most notableof these are: Construction of platforms reserved for public transport at the main access points to the city. Construction of up to 54 car parks (16in the first phase) for park and ride. For the covering abstract see ITRDE139491.

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C 48954 (In: C 48739 DVD) /72 / ITRD E139710

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 16 p.

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