Urban public transport and environmental economics : evolving a model : a tale of two Indian cities, Pune and Bangalore.

Khan, A. & Udayakumar, P.

The 1991 census showed that at present there are 23 metropolitan cities in India and it is likely to increase by 30, by the turn of the century. The rate of urbanisation will increase from 23% to 30% which means one-third of Indian population will live in metropolitan cities. On the other hand, the rate of vehicular population growth in metropolitan cities in India increases between 15% and 200% each year. Out of which major share has been taken by personalised vehicles i.e., two-wheelers and cars. From these statistics one can find out the increase in the levels of pollution from metropolitan cities.

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C 17772 (In: C 17752 [electronic version only]) /15 / ITRD E108930

In: Urban transportation and environment : proceedings of the international conference (Cooperation for the Continuing Development of Urban and Suburban Transportation) CODATU IX, Mexico City, 11-14 April 2000, p. 161-168, 7 ref.

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