Urban quality and design for pedestrians.

Martincigh, L.

This paper considers the recreation of urban districts that are pleasant for living and moving around. Quality of life for residents relies on the main aspects that characterise the urban environment. Cities in Europe were originally designed to accommodate walking as the expected mode of transport: the intrusion of the motor car has disrupted this. Requirements for urban design include safety, comfort, use, look, management, integration, and environmental safeguard. Brief definitions are given for these with fuller consideration given to aesthetics. Assessment of urban quality uses analytical, operative and control design methods to compare the needs of the pedestrian user and the provision of the urban space. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118896.

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C 26779 (In: C 26763) /15 /72 / ITRD E118912

In: COST Action C6 - A city for pedestrians : policy-making and implementation - final report, 2003, p. 223-233

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