Urban safety management guidelines : road safety strategies for urban communities.


Urban safety management (USM) looks at whole communities and set a vision and strategy for road safety management that becomes proactive rather than reactive. The first section of this publication explains the principles of USM, the background to USM and the reasons for using it. The ideal road hierarchy consisting of primary, district and local distributors, access roads and pedestrian streets is explained. The second section describes the research background to USM with reference to the Gloucester Safer City project and the DUMAS design framework. Section three contains guidelines on the application of USM. The different stages of the implementation of USM are outlined: political leadership and vision, setting up the management structure, defining the objectives, and analysis, strategy, planning, design, implementation and assessment phases.

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C 26580 [electronic version only] /10 /72 / ITRD E120461

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2003, 29 p.

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