Urban spatial traffic patterns.

Vaughan, R.

This book is an account of continuous models of urban travel, bringing together results which were widely dispersed in the literature. The simple mathematical expressions used incorporate only a small number of parameters and thus require minimal amounts of information and computation. The distribution of homes, work places, traffic networks, and traffic over an urban area is represented in terms of distance from the town centre. A simple model is developed for the number of work trips from one suburban area to another. This model and basic representations of traffic networks are used to create a theory of the spatial distrubution of traffic over an urban area, and the theory is tested against data from many cities.

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8 + 1 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


C 12725 /71 /72 / IRRD 804607

London, Pion, 1987, 334 p., 389 ref. - ISBN 0-85086-122-5

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