Urban transportation indicators in eight Canadian urban areas.

Irwin, N.A.

In 1993 TAC's Urban Transportation Council published a generic vision of a more sustainable urban transportation future for Canadian cities entitled a New Vision for Urban Transportation. In it were outlined 13 principles to help achieve the Vision. Since that time, the Urban Council has been interested in creating a national database of urban development and urban transportation information which could be used to monitor progress in achieving the New Vision. A preliminary pilot project was conducted in 1994, and in April 1995, the Council decided to proceed with a second phase, a more focused project, which resulted in this report. The main purpose of the work was to define and determine whether a preliminary set of urban transportation indicators could serve as a basis for the continuous monitoring of transportation development in Canadian municipalities. Eight urban areas participated in the project (Edmonton, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto and Vancouver). The report concludes that the practicality of the Urban Transportation Indicators Survey Process has been successfully demonstrated. Data availability and consistency across cities are reasonable and can probably be improved based on experience gained in the pilot survey. It is further concluded that a continuing urban indicators program is practical and desirable. (Author/publisher)

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C 22756 [electronic version only] /10 /72 / IRRD 872732

Ottawa, Ontario, Transportation Association of Canada TAC, 1996, 31 + 24 p., 4 ref.; TAC Research Report - ISBN 1-55187-102-5

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