U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hybrid Test Vehicle HTV : results of fuel economy emissions and engineering characterization testing.

Trummel, M.C. Mazor, S.D. Freeman, R.J. & King, R.D.

A parallel-configuration, microprocessor-controlled hybrid test vehicle (HTV) has been designed and developed by the general electric company for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It has successfully demonstrated on/off internal combustion engine (ICE) operation and dual (electric and ice) power-system blending. Results of testing the HTV at the jet propulsion laboratory show that the HTV is capable of saving significant amounts of petroleum while maintaining standard ICE vehicle performance. The HTV program operational experience has shown the need for design simplification and special battery considerations in future hybrid vehicles. (A)

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C 4921 (In: C 4885 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 860829

In: Electric vehicles : a decade of transition : selected papers through 1990 prepared under the auspices of the SAE Electric Vehicle Committee Passenger Car Activity, PT-40, p. 313-325, 11 ref.

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