Use of adult belt by child : a new concept.

Molnar, T.G.

The paper describes the development of the hi-rider child safety seat. It evolved from the lower platform of an earlier device consisting of three uniquely shaped moulded plastic parts suitable for children 9 months to 11 years by a stepped elimination of one or two of those parts. From a full-sized layout, a wooden model was produced, and was first of all used to test the basic concept by trying it in various cars in different seating with a range of children. The main conclusion drawn from a total of 30 sled tests showed no evidence of sub-marining, i.e. occupants did not slide under seat-belts during impact conditions. The seat automatically converts existing belts fitted to motor vehicles, including retractor type, into an effective and safe child restraint. The lap and sash portion of adult seat belt are repositioned to be safer and more comfortable. The buckle is moved away from the child's body. The child is lifted to window height for full and better vision of surroundings. The seat instantly adapts to any motor vehicle and seating position without the need to drill holes and/or use extra fitting parts, and firmly supports child under driving and impact conditions. It is lightweight, durable, and non-flammable, and can be used outside the vehicle as a child seat. The number of the covering abstract of the conference is IRRD no. 234342.

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B 19930 (In: B 15738) /91 / IRRD 234348

In: Seminar on "Restraining the Child in a Car", Melbourne, 1 April 1978, 9 p., 7 ref.

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