The use of the car as an extension of the house and traffic conflicts Your car - Your house.

Neuza, C.

The car is used as an extension of the driver's house and this fact brings consequences which influence the behavior of those who drive. It became evident that when people imagine their cars as extensions of their own houses they act in public places with the same references and values that they use in their private lives. It was also clear that people believe that their houses represent safety and survival. The research shows that a car crash can mean a lot to a person: hitting his/her car is the same as assaulting his/her house and, therefore, the same as assaulting him/herself. So, through this thought, a car crash could be a threat to a person's safety, life and survival. By the data collected it was possible to realize that drivers establish certain relationships between their cars and the rooms in their houses (average house: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom...). When they were questioned about what other functions, besides transportation, a car can be used for, their answers were related to things they do in their houses. Among the interviewed people, 42,5% stated that when they travel (long trips by car), they stop during the way to sleep in the car and admitted they date and rest in it (car used as the bedroom); 78,3% of them mentioned they like to talk to family and/or friends during a ride, think it's romantic to be in the car with a boy/girlfriend or husband/wife and like to offer rides to other people, while 87,5% of them said that they like to listen to their favorite songs in the car (car used as a living room); 40,8% of the questioned people stated they don't leave the car before looking at themselves in the mirror, have combs or brushes in the car in case they need and change their babies' diapers inside the car (car used as a bathroom); 55% of the interviewed said they eat inside the car and 70% believe the car trunk must be good enough to accommodate the grocery (car used as a kitchen and as a larder); 62% declared they make notes related to their work when they're parked (car used as an office). Besides all that, 70% of the people also said they worry about the car's cleaning and admitted that they carry plastic bags inside it to throw away the trash; they also wash the car and put sachets inside it to give it a good smell; 80% of the questioned stated they worry about the car's comfort; 95% of them said they consider their car a safe place and 49,1% of the people declared they identify themselves with their cars and dislike when someone changes anything on them. They said they like to personalize their cars choosing the license plate and they consider their car as their second house. For the covering abstract see ITRD E137120.

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C 49150 (In: C 49130 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E137140

In: Measures to assess risk in traffic as reflected by individual test performance, in attitude measurement and by behaviour and interaction : proceedings of the extra workshop on International Cooperation on Theory and Concepts on Traffic Safety of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Campo Grande, Brazil, 21-23 March 2005, Pp.

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