Use of a computer and vehicle loop detectors to measure queues and delays at signalized intersections.

Christensen, A.

A computer program has been developed to obtain the traffic parameters of volume, speed, space headway, density and time headway from the pulses coming from vehicle loop detectors placed near an intersection. By finding the relations between time headway and queue length and time headway and delay, it is shown how the computer program can be used to find queue length and delay at signalised intersections. For the intersection studied, vehicle arrivals at the approaches were random, i.e., there was no platoon structure remaining after passage from the previous intersections. Graphs are shown of plots of delay vs volume, and of queue length vs volume. A means for correcting the counts lost is also developed

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A 3957 (In: A 1962 S)

In: Highway Research Record, No. 211, 1967, p. 34-53, 20 FIG, 3 TAB, 5 REF, 3 APP

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