Use of the helmet retention systems in the Netherlands.

Huijbers, J.J.W.

In literature high numbers of helmets that came off during accidents are reported. Percentages range from 7 to 36%. Because only a part of these cases could be explained by (mechanical) failure of the retention systems of the helmets a survey of the use of these systems by moped riders and motorcyclists was undertaken in the Netherlands. The results of this project indicate that the use of the retention systems of helmets especially by moped riders is not quite optimal in the Netherlands. A similar use of the retention systems in the Federal Republic of Germany is indicated. The results of this research also indicate that an improve of the use of the buckle can be achieved for the moped riders when only "push button" systems are used.


B 29457 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / IRRD 826486

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1989, 8 p., 6 ref.; R-89-18


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