Use of laser and video techniques for road surface, inventories maintenance management and function contracts.

Henriksson, J.E. & Olofsson, I.

High speed multi-function systems such as the Laser Road Surface Testers serve as vital tools for optimizing any PM system and assist road authorities in maintaining records of the enormous investments in the road infrastructure. This paper highlights the latest developments and experience in road surface testing technology used internationally in both developing and industrialized countries. This includes a brief description of a new technique for the detection and classification of road surface cracks, called PAVUE. This is a real-time pavement distress analyser. The German title of this article is: Anwendung von Laser und Videotechnik zur Untersuchung der Strassendecken Bestandaufnahme, Erhaltungs-Verwaltung und Verträge üeber die Nutz-Eigenschaften.

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C 5244 (In: C 5225 a) /61 / IRRD 865187

In: Roads help to integrate : proceedings of the East-West European Road Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24 September 1993, Volume 1, p. 174-177

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