The Use of Salt with the Addition of Agricultural Co Products in the UK.

Monaghan, K.

Sodium chloride salt is accepted worldwide as the most efficient and cost-effective agent for the prevention and removal of ice in most inhabited climatic regions. However, there are some aspects of salt use which give rise to concern. These include a tendency for dry salt to be disturbed by cross winds and eddy currents from the spreading vehicle, problems with the flow out of spreaders, and corrosion of both vehicles and infrastructure. Whilst the use of pre-wetting can improve the spread characteristics of salt, it is costly to implement, requires additional loading processes and can accelerate corrosion in spreading equipment. In the winter 2003/4, trials were undertaken in the UK of rock salt with the addition of 'Safecote',an agricultural co-product. A derivative of sugar manufacture, 'Safecote'with salt had already been tested by a number of laboratories, and showedconsiderable reduction in steel corrosion. Road testing also showed a marked improvement in salt applied to the target zone with the addition of 'Safecote', thus precluding the need for pre-wetting with brine. Experience in 2003/2004 was favourable, and further work in 2004/5 increased confidence in the product. For the covering abstract see ITRD E143097.

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C 50197 (In: C 50149 CD-ROM) /94 /62 /15 / ITRD E143218

In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress held in Torino-Sestriere (Italy), March 2006, Pp.

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