Use of speed and red-light cameras for traffic enforcement : guidance on deployment, visibility and signing.

Department for Transport

In 2005 the National Safety Camera Programme and netting-off funding arrangements for cameras in England and Wales were ended. Camera funding, activities and partnerships are being integrated into the wider road safety delivery process from 1 April 2007. This Circular provides guidance and bestpractice advice on the deployment of speed and red-light cameras in the UK after 1 April 2007. The legal framework is set out and guidance is givenon the identification of the appropriate solution at a specific location and the deployment of cameras to reduce deaths and injuries on roads. The four main types of equipment and the circumstances in which they may be appropriate are described: fixed speed camera sites, mobile speed camera sites, average speed camera sites (fixed) and red-light camera sites. Guidance is given on pre-enforcement checks, signing, visibility, conspicuity, communications and publicity, and monitoring effectiveness. An annex presents a table showing the site selection criteria that applied at the end of the National Safety Camera Programme.

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C 39562 [electronic version only] /10 /85 / ITRD E133782

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2007, 11 p., 8 ref.; DfT Circular 01/2007 - ISBN-13 978-0-11-552834-7

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