Use of Traffic Calming Devices along Major Roads thru Small Rural Communities in Italy.

Abate, D. Dell'Acqua, G. Lamberti, R. & Coraggio, G.

The purpose of the project was to evaluate traffic-calming treatments on major roads through small Italian communities using either single-measure,low-cost or gateway treatments. For this portion of the project, gateway traffic-calming treatments were evaluated in Giffoni Sei Casali, Salerno. The main street through many small rural Italian communities is a state orlocal highway with high speeds outside the city limits and a reduced speed section through the rural community. Consequently, drivers passing through the community often enter at high speeds and then maintain those speedsthroughout. When speeds in rural communities are problematic, traffic calming provides a potential solution. However, traffic-calming measures are generally used in larger urban areas; their effectiveness in small communities is unknown. Speeds decreased at all of the data-collection locations and decreases remained constant over the data collection period. Many rural communities do not have the resources to implement high-cost, elaborate traffic-calming measures. The measures used in Giffoni Sei Casali were lowcost and simply involved painting the roadway and new signs. The traffic-calming treatments in Giffoni Sei Casali, Salerno could easily be implemented in other rural communities.

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C 47677 (In: C 45019 DVD) /72 / ITRD E853504

In: Compendium of papers DVD 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2009, 12 p.

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