The use of in-vehicle detectors to reduce impaired driving trips.

Stein, A.C & Allen.R.W.

For almost twenty years, researchers have attempted to develop an in-vehicle system which would prevent an impaired driver from operating his or her motor vehicle. These systems have ranged from breath testers to psychomotor tests, and have prevented operation of the vehicle by such methods as preventing the vehicle from starting or alerting drivers or the police through alarm systems. This paper discusses the background leading to an in-vehicle system which was built and tested. We also discuss the system and its components, and present the results of two tests involving convicted drunk drivers. While the primary purpose of this project was to determine the feasibility of this type of system, the results of the two tests show promise for the reduction of impaired driving trips. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 293024.

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B 25017 (In: B 25001) /83/91/ IRRD 293040

In: Alcohol, accidents, and injuries : proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 24-28, 1986, SAE Paper No. 860360, p. 123-130, 2 fig-, 5 graph., 1 tab.

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