Usefulness of the driveABLE cognitive assessment in predicting the driving risk factor of stroke patients.

Choi, S.Y. Yoo, D.H. & Lee, J.S.

This study examined the usefulness of the DriveABLE cognitive assessment tool (DCAT) in predicting the driving risk factor of stroke patients, and compared the cognitive and driving functions of two groups discriminated by DCAT. A total of forty-two stroke patients with a driver’s license participated in this study. Two participants with communication problems were excluded. DCAT was used to evaluate the risk potential to the driver, and the subjects were classified into two groups according to the probability of driving risk estimated by the DCAT evaluation. The safe driver group (SDG) and unsafe driver group (USDG) underwent a driving simulator and cognitive function assessments. The results of the SDG and USDG were compared. The SDG showed higher cognitive function than the USDG. In addition, the SDG showed higher ability than the USDG in most of the tests associated with the driving function (pedal reaction time, average reaction time, centerline crossing, road edge excursion, off-road accidents, collisions). The study concludes that DCAT is a useful tool for predicting the risk of driving. In addition, it can predict the driving ability of stroke patients related to the cognitive function. Nevertheless, a multi-faceted study of associated with driving and cognitive functions for safe driving will be needed. (Author/publisher)

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20210193 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol. 27 (2015), No. 10 (October), p. 3133-3135, 18 ref.

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