User acceptance and impacts of new multimodal traffic information services in BAYERNINFO.

Neuherz, M. Pischner, T. Patz, V. & Keller, H.

In the pilot project BAYERNINFO, a supra-regional traffic information system consisting of a state-wide traffic information centre, two regional information centres serving the conurbation areas Munich and Nuremberg, and an electronic timetable information subsystem (EFA-Bavaria) is installed in Bavaria/Germany. The capabilities of this multimodal information system were demonstrated using a portable mobility planner (PTA) and the Internet/WWW. Based on experts and end user discussion groups, surveys, field trials, market potential studies and simulation tools user benefits and cost-effectiveness of the integrated traffic information system developed within BAYERNINFO, were determined and evaluated. This paper summarises the achievements and evaluation results.

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C 22473 (In: C 22454 CD-ROM) /10 /72 / ITRD E114245

In: From vision to reality : proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Turin, Italy, 6-9 November 2000, 8 p., 1 ref.

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