User choices regarding vehicle-driving automation.

Marchau, V.A.W.J. Molin, E.J.E. & Heijden, R.E.C.M. van der

The introduction of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in motor vehicles is expected to improve traffic efficiency and safety significantly. These systems support the driver in controlling his vehicle applying advanced sensing, computing and controlling devices. Successful implementation of these systems in the near future will largely depend on the willingness of people to buy and use these systems. As to this willingness, not much is known yet. Therefore, in this paper the willingness of potential ADAS users is explored. Choices for several ADAS have been measured by using the stated choice approach. Both drivers and fleet-owners of cars, trucks and buses have been interrogated about their choices regarding several hypothetical ADAS alternatives. Alternative systems were presented based on their functional features, price levels, and impacts on travel time and fuel consumption. Logit modelling has been applied to estimate how ADAS characteristics affect overall choices. The results show that drivers and fleet-operators are not that willing to have ADAS in their vehicle(s): on average, in 29% of the cases the respondents are willing to purchase an ADAS alternative. However, this finding needs to be qualified, as user choices fluctuate strongly with specific ADAS characteristics. In particular, ADAS which support the driver in proper distance keeping, lane keeping and lane changing by warnings, at relatively low prices and improve travel time and fuel consumption seems most promising. The probabilities of users for purchasing the ADAS currently available on the market are relatively low. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128680.

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C 36212 (In: C 36168 [electronic version only]) /91 / ITRD E128724

In: Urban Transport X : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Dresden, Germany, 2004, p. 443-455, 15 ref.

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