Using image-processing technology to develop a safety driving support system.

Hashiguchi, N. & Omi, T.

In recent years, various sensors are implemented to vehicles to detect external conditions during driving. However, the systems are designed to assist human's biological sensors such as vision and hearing and many traffic accidents have occurred due to human errors. On the other hand, traffic system has been usually built based on visual information. From logical point of view, image processing related service definitions and models have been established in the ITS onboard System Architecture (SA) introduced by Japan in 1999. From this fact, we have built an SA of "safety driving support system with image processing technology" based on logic of ITS onboard SA and OOM (object-oriented method) model and procedures deployed in ITS onboard SA considering that proper process of image information can greatly contribute to safety driving. We are defining required specification (service definitions) and technologies to establish our safety driving support system.

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C 31739 (In: C 31321 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E826500

In: ITS - enriching our lives : proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Chicago, Illinois, October 14-17, 2002, 5 p.

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