Utilising the european its framework architecture: perspectives from a national agency and a supplier.

Williamson, P. Brannen, R. Hill, A. & McDowell, B.

Traffic scotland has evolved over 12 years to become a strategic component in the management of Scotland's trunk road network. Transport Scotland, an agency of the Scottish executive, is implementing a revised architecture for traffic Scotland building upon the karen systems architecture and applicable open standards (for example utmc). Serco are building a product suite whose architecture arises from an understanding of the European its framework architecture and experience of 20 years of its development. the utilisation of the European its architecture is explored from these two perspectives and the future developments of traffic Scotland are outlined.

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C 41434 (In: C 40997 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E136264

In: Proceedings of the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Services, London, United Kingdom, 8-12 October 2006, 8 p.

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