A validation study of the U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA highway simulator HYSIM : staff study final report.

Alicandri, E. Roberts, K. & Walker, J.

This study compared driver performance data from a simulated roadcourse in the DOT/FHWA Highway Simulator (HYSIM) to data gathered on actual real-world roadways. Thirty-two subjects from the general driving population participated in the study. Dependent variables were: sign detection and recognition distances, speed, accelerator position changes and steering wheel reversals. A high correspondance between real-world and HYSIM data sets indicated which simulator measures are valid; conversely, a low correspondence pointed to design and operational parameters which require enhancement and/or adjustment to improve HYSIM's capability to accurately simulate real-world driving. Study results show that, in general, the HYSIN measures tested accurately simulate real-world conditions and simulated data can be safely generalized to real-world situations. However, there are important system contraints which must be accomodated in the experimental design for studies conducted on the simulator. Those problem areas where enhancement and/or system modifications are required or desirable are identified and recommendations regarding solutions to these problems are provided.

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C 2855 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 806170

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1986, IV + 52 + 23 p., 8 ref.; FHWA-RD-86-067

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