Validation of a touchscreen psychomotor vigilance task.

Arsintescu, L. Kato, K.H. Cravalho, P.F. Feick, N.H. Stone, L.S. & Flynn-Evans, E.E.

The purpose of this study was to compare a psychomotor vigilance task developed for use on touchscreen devices with the original PVT-192 in conditions of acute sleep loss and circadian desynchronization. The Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) is considered the gold standard fatigue detection test and is used frequently in fatigue research. With the rapid development of new technologies it is essential to develop a PVT available on different platforms such as touchscreen devices. The advantage of such PVT is that it can be implemented on small devices and can be easily used in field studies. Ten participants completed a 5-min PVT (NASA-PVT) on a touchscreen device and a 5-min PVT on the original PVT-192. On the day of the experiment, participants arrived in the lab approximately two hours after their habitual wake time. Participants completed a constant routine protocol under dim lighting, while maintaining a constant posture. The 5-min PVT-192 and NASA-PVT were taken every two hours for at least 24 h. Results of the study showed that the NASA-PVT and PVT-192 were sensitive to extended wakefulness in the same manner. The reaction times were slower and the lapses were higher as time progressed on both NASA-PVT and PVT-192 (p < 0.001). Overall, there was a sharp decline in performance after 16 h of being awake which coincided with the time the participants were usually going to bed and the worst performance occurred after 24 h of wakefulness for both PVTs (p < 0.001). The study concludes that, overall, their data suggest that the NASA-PVT is a valid tool for assessing fatigue in field studies. (Author/publisher)

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20210162 ST [electronic version only]

Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 126 (May 2019), p. 173-176, 20 ref.

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