Validitätsuntersuchung und Faktorenanalyse verkehrspsychologischer diagnostischer Methoden.

Kallina, H.

The validity of some of the diagnostic procedures (1.1) commonly used as criteria for determining aptitude for motor vehicle driving (1.2) was examined (2.1). A factor analysis resulted in ten factors: although these cannot be regarded as "primary" traits, an interpretation is attempted (2.2). Considerations resulting from the small number of Ss (N- 91) would seem to make it advisable to consider the results as working hypotheses only which must be examined with a larger group of subjects in a control investigation which has already been planned (3).

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A 2223 fo

Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, Vol. XI (1964), No. 1, 14 p.

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