Validiteitsonderzoek evaluatie van het huidige CBR praktijkexamen : Fase II.

Delpeut, A.P.

On behalf of the Road Safety Administration of the Ministry of Transport and in cooperation with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre (CBR) the construct validity of the current Dutch driving test has been examined. This study is part of a large-scale research into the reliability, validity, and utility of the Dutch driving test. The main purpose was to investigate the concurrent validity of the driving test, which means the possibility to differentiate between drivers with a high level of performance, a mediocre level of performance (for instance applicants for the driving licence) and a low level of performance (for instance trainees).

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C 89 [electronic version only] /83.5 / IRRD 845929

Veenendaal, Traffic Test, 1987, 42 p., 19 ref.; TT 87-36

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