Variability in unconfined compression strength of pavement materials stabilised with cementitious binders.

White, G. & Gnanendran, C.T.

This paper examines the variability of strength in stabilised pavement materials' and some of the causes of such variation. The variation of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of new quarried materials is compared with that of reclaimed road base, both stabilised with cementitious binders. The effect of binder type (slag-lime blends versus General Purpose Portland cement) on the stabilised material's UCS variability is also discussed. The paper presents the following information and findings from the laboratory testing undertaken. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208431.

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C 27029 (In: C 26913 CD-ROM) /32 / ITRD E209377

In: Transport: our highway to a sustainable future : proceedings of the 21st ARRB and 11th REAAA Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 18-23 May 2003, 18 p., 35 ref.

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